First recorded in 1400–50; late Middle English deferren, from Latin dēferre “to carry from or down, report, accuse,” equivalent to dē- “from, away from, out of” + ferre “to carry”; de-, bear 1
First recorded in 1200–50; Middle English suff(e)ren, from Latin sufferre, from suf- suf- ( def ) + ferre “to bring, carry”; compare Old French sofrir, from Vulgar Latin sufferīre (unrecorded); bear 1( def ), -phore ( def )
First recorded in 1325–75; Middle English differren “to distinguish,” from Middle French differer “to put off, distinguish,” Latin differre “to bear apart, scatter, be different,” from dif- dif- + ferre “to bear, bring, carry”
<すむ>は<済む>は<うまくできる、なされる>、to be done well。日本語の<すむ>は自動詞だ。他動詞は<すます、済ます>、to do it well, to make it done well。<すまない>は否定なので<うまくできない、なされない>の意だが、これでは何のことだかわからない。何が<うまくできない、なされない>のか。これは<ありがとう>の表明だろう。つまりは
基本的には<よろこんでxxする>の意だが、無理することなく自然に to be satisfied, to be content の意もある。。快乐がないが、 生日快乐 (Happy birthday)、新年快乐 (Happy New Year) などよく使われる。乐意= 快乐 (happy) ではない。
<問題に対処する>、<困難に立ち向かってのり越える>は今は<チャレンジする>と positive な言い方に代わっている。稲盛和夫も Steve Jobs もそれまで世の中にないものを並々ならぬ苦労をして(あるいは経営者として並々ならぬ苦労を社員にさせて)製品化し、世に出して成功した創業者だ。ネットで調べてみると
7. “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and
the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great
work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.”
As programmers, we have the lucky fortune to often be extremely into
our work. By following our passions, we can produce truly excellent
products. Many people are locked into jobs that they didn’t want simply
because they found themselves going down the path of least resistance.
You can never truly succeed if you resent where you are.
1. “Simple can be harder than complex; you have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple.”
Any programmer worth their salt knows the difference between something that works and something that is elegant. Steve Jobs built a fortune on creating simple designs that may have had the same functionality as other designs, but did it better. In programming, the simpler solution is always the best solution, as it carries with it fewer potential complications.
<勉強>では The 14 Best Steed Jobs Quotes (上の 10 Quotes と overlap するのが多い) の中に
13. "I'm convinced that about half of what separates successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance."